Documents : For example, we have a small collection of 727 documents right here on the org :
Descent Rate Calculator :
Torb Procedures : Hi everyone, this link takes you to a simplified procedures document for the 727. I have made these for the 732 and a few other airliners in the past. It's based on the supplied manuals from FJS, as well as other seemingly official online resources. Some of the flows have been tweaked for single pilot operation efficiency. This particular document includes some suggested speeds and configurations for the approach as described by @Super27 . It's a separate table at the end of the document. Feedback is welcome...
Torb Groundhandling : Hi everyone, I experimented with customizing a JARDesign Ground Handling (v4) set for the 732. The v4 upgrade was free when used with my v2 serial number. To use the attached file, remove the TORB portion of the file name so it reads FJS732v3.set. Say yes if warned about it's usability from changing the file name. Place it in the custom sets folder where you have it installed, which should be X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\GndHandling\Sets\Custom directory. If there is an original file there already, save it elsewhere. I made it so when the vehicles are activated, they start off further from the aircraft's right side. Most of the sets I've seen make the vehicles magically appear directly in view right behind the aircraft, killin muh uhmurrrrsiounn. I also adjusted the timings so you can use the one click Drive Up and Drive Away feature, and the vehicles will arrive and depart without hitting each other. You might try to find a gate with fewer static carts n trucks near by if you want to minimize "collisions"...
This set was made with GHD v4, found in this forum post without even needing to create an account...
Chuck Guide : Chuck has just posted another fantastic guide to the 732, if you want to check it out :